Sunday, August 26, 2012

Monster Cock

Every time Elfman gets a new take-over form Natsu gladly helps him test it.

He takes it like a MAN!


  1. Loved it, glad you took your time with this set of pics, its splendid and the idea of including elfman's take over was great, its so hot :D
    But Natsu's scar is on the right side of his neck :O

    1. Thank you! It actually took only half a day to make :P
      Natsu's scar is on both sides, it goes almost all around his neck.

    2. Really, I have never noticed that and thought it only was in the right side especially since in the ova memory days the side wounded was the right one :)

  2. porfin algo de elfman gracias

    1. Sorry I don't speak spanish, but thanks for the comment!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. THe CoMMeNTaToR SaYS: "FiNaLLY SoMe eLFMaN. THaNKS"

      BuT aS FaR aS i ReMeMBeR... THiS iS THe SeCoND iMaGe oF eLFMaN aS oNe oF YouR SuBJeCT...

  3. NoW THaT'S WHaT i CaLL DouBLe TiMe... (CReaTiNG SeRRieS oF iMaGeS)

    FRoM WHaT i KNoW, eLFMaN iS THe BiGGeST GuY oN THe FaiRY TaiL GuiLD.(oN HuMaN FoRM) aND aS WHaT i See oN THiS iMaGeS... iT SeeMS LiKe eLFMaN HaS oNLY aS SaMe aVeRaGe BoDY & HeiGHT LiKe NaTSu HeRe...

    aNYWaY... KeeP uP THe YAOI WoRK & HaVe FuN aLWaYS!?!

  4. i luv you magicandy-kun X3

  5. ok shall i break it down?! Ok these pics are fucking amazing. Even as a big supporter of the anti uke the fact you did a rare natsu uke pairing its fantastic. Natsu/Elfman pics are so rare I love seeing this. I rarely see Elfman using his ability in pics and you rocked the house.

    Love the first pic looks like he's poking Natsu's ass with his cock just looks like "You ready for this?" Natsu has such a nice expression on his face.

    2nd pic Elfman loving Natsu's tight heat love his expression and Natsu's expression. Like Natsu's saying. "Fuck!! So Big!"

    3rd Pic the first climax wonderful such pleasurable expressions love how Elfman is cumming so much more into Natsu

    4th pic this pic is screaming out to me. Elfman looks like he's saying. "Hang on I'm gonna go all out!!" Natsu's like "Huh?"
    Love the puddle of cum beneath Natsu love the detail you put into Elfman's magic

    5th Pic love the take over, love the monster cock and just love Natsu's expression. Reading his expression it's like "You're gonna stick that in me!!" it's humorous and hot at the same time. I think Natsu can take it and we move onto pic 6

    He does he takes it and Elfman is making him see stars. That's it folks Elfman has ruined Natsu for any other man. Gray better be lookin to ride Natsu from now on cause Elfman owns his hole now. Love the bigger cum shots for Natsu a nice big puddle of cum.

    Elfman seems extra sensitive while under take over magic as it should lots of sexyness between these it's almost like a movie so i say bravo bravo great job i love love love this pairing and it's so inspiring it is. Now every time i see elfman take over just his arm im gonna wonder if his thing changed to. Elfman is all about being manly so his manhood would change with hsi muscled arm

    great pic magic i say bravo and encore!!

  6. Sugoi!!!!!!!
    I love it!

  7. <3 elfman x natsu! jellal and natsu pls X3

  8. Make kankuro fucked by his puppet from naruto please

  9. Good job! I love natsu *_* i love these image
    I'd like to see Natsu x Laxus! Plz

  10. Awesome really O_O But please can you draw somthing about Ao no Exorcist. Please i'm sure it will be awesome too *_*

  11. Can you do more sket dance yaoi?

  12. hi i have been a fan from the beginning and i was wondering if i could give you some of my ideas i have many of them so reply back if you want to hear them.

    1. Hi Andrew,
      I got lots of ideas of my own but I'm always open to new ones. You are more than welcome to share if you like :)

  13. hey Its Andrew and i have always wonderd is there a reson you dont do dragon ball z Yaoi?

    1. no particular reason, I just think it's kinda old and already has lots of yaoi...

  14. yea but yuo have to admit it is still hot isn't it

    1. hey its andrew and i have an idea, how about we make a dragon ball z game like you did with the spider man,
      what do you think

  15. Love it! please make more Natsu x Gray please...
